Spanish is the mother tongue of 20 countries in America, Africa and Spain. It is widely spoken in North America, and it also has a historical presence in the Philippines.
In total, there are more than 570 million Spanish-speakers out there. And all those countries share a common Hispanic culture and traditions, well-known all over the world.
¡Hola a todos! Recently I have watched a beautiful flamenco video on youtube that I want to share with you. You just need to listen to the music and how she dances with it. It's energic, passionate and emotional.
¡Hola! :D Today I share with you this video of Spanish guitar music, with some famous pieces. I have enjoyed it, I hope you all too :)
It's a recopilation, so it lasts an hour and a quarter to finish haha but you don't need to hear all the video, you can just hear some pieces and stop it.
It's perfect to play it while you're working or maybe just to chill-out hehe.
¡Hola! :) Today I want to talk about the Spanish castañuelas. There is a different between the ones made of wood (called castañuelas) and the ones made of metal (cróstalos), but Spanish people in general know them all as castañuelas :).
Spanish castañuelas comes from an ancient kind of castañuelas called iberian "crusmata".
As you probably know, the castañuelas are a very famous instrument used in the flamenco dances as the Spanish sevillanas (a topic for another post ;) ) and also in some well-known orquestas like Carmen de Bizet, The Rapsody España of Chabier, and the ballet El Cid of Massenet, to give them a 'Spanish feeling'. Even Wagner used castañuelas for his song 'Venusberg'.
Actually, the origin of the castañuelas dates back tothe Phoenicians, in the year 1000 b.C. Also Egypt, Chinese and Greek people used castañuelas even before Spanish people. There are evidences about their existence even in the Paleolithic! So probably it's one of the first musical instruments that human being have created.
But Spanish people have conserved, used them, and castañuelas have evolved since the first ones. In the other countries they didn't evolved as Spanish castañuelas did. And they are still being used! :) Now I leave you with a beautiful video of flamenco dance with castañuelas. Enjoy it! :)
I hope you like my post about Spanish castañuelas. ¡Hasta pronto! :)
¡Hola! :)
I hope you enjoyed the guitar music of Armik that I posted in another post, because today I want to let you listen and enjoy this other song of Armik :) I really like it, I hope you like it too hehe. Enjoy it!
At least I guess you will play the video, isn't it? ;)
¡Que tengáis un buen día! :D I wish you have a nice day today!
¡Hola! I would like to share with you this Spanish guitar music (played by an Armenian man, but really flamenco and nice guitarist without any doubt). Here you have the video, enjoy it! :)