
Showing posts with label Sayings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sayings. Show all posts

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Spanish Sayings 2


¡Hola! :) Here I am, to share with you two Spanish sayings that you can use in a daily conversation.

-> ¡Se lo merecía! (because of being a nice person)
It couldn't have happened to a nicer bloke/person!

-> Ganó 150000€ en la lotería. ¡Se lo merecía! :)
He won 150000€ on the lottery. Couldn't have happened to a nicer person! 

As in English, it can be used to express just the opposite, i.e., that someone really deserves a bad thing that has happened to him/her.

-> Siempre se reía de nosotros y hoy un chico se ha reído de él y lo ha hecho llorar. ¡Se lo merecía! 
He always laugh at us and today a boy laugh at him and he started to cry. Couldn't have happened to a nicer person!

We can translate that sentence into English as 'He/she deserved it!"

-> Ser de buen corazón
-> Ser buena persona
(one's) heart's in the right place

-> Pedro siempre ayuda a sus vecinos y escucha a sus amigos cuando tienen problemas. ¡Es buena persona! / ¡Es de buen corazón!
Pedro always help his neighbours and listen to his friends when they have some problems. His heart is in the right place!

I hope you like it ;) If it is, let us know it  by clicking on an advertisement :)))

¡Buenas noches!
(Have a good night!)

Friday, August 9, 2013

Alegría! - Spanish Expressions 2


¡Hola! :) Sorry for the delay to post again, I have been busy this week. But I
guess that I come here with an interesting post for you :)
¡Alegría! What's that? You can translate it as happiness, however it's different from the Spanish word for happiness, that is 'felicidad'.
Alegría could probably translated as a mix of joy and fun hehe.
And here you have some useful expresssions about it :)

(estar) loco de alegría - (to be) blown away

       Ejemplo: Hoy Pedro está loco de alegría porque ha aprobado el exámen.

                      Today Pedro is blown away because he passed the exam.

(estar) encantado de la vida - thrilled to bits

       Ejemplo: ¿Cómo estás, Juan? Tengo un buen trabajo y tiempo libre,
                      ¡estoy encantado de la vida!

                      ¿How are you, Juan? I have a good job and free time,
                      ¡I'm thrilled to bits!

más contento que unas pascuas - happy as a cloud

       Ejemplo: Terminó su carrera y está más contento que unas pascuas.

                      He finished his degree and he's happy as a cloud.

más feliz que una perdiz - happy as a cloud (2)

       Ejemplo: Terminó su carrera y está más feliz que una perdiz.

                      He finished his degree and he's happy as a cloud.

I hope this has been useful for you all, and hope to see you around here soon enough! :)

Friday, August 2, 2013

Expresiones sobre el pajar - Expressions about the haystack

¡Hola! :) Today I will show you two Spanish expressions more, both of them related to the haystacks hehe. Here you have them!

¡Es como buscar una aguja en un pajar!

A: ¿Has encontrado el papel amarillo?
B: Todavía no, ¡es como buscar una aguja en un pajar!

A: Have you found the yellow paper?
B: Not yet, ¡it's (as difficult) as looking for a needle in a haystack!

Explanation: When you're looking for something, and it is mixed with a lot of other similar things, and it's very very difficult to be found because of that, you could use this expression.

Separar el grano de la paja

Ese libro explica muchas cosas inútiles, así que tenemos que separar el grano de la paja y quedarnos con lo útil.

That book explains lots of unuseful things, so we have to separate the grain from the hay and keep the useful things.

When you obtain a new information about something, but a lot of the contents in that information doesn't really talk about the main thing that you are looking for, then you need to "separar el grano de la paja" to have just what you wanted from that information.

And that's all for today! Visit the blog frequently to read new posts :)

¡Buenas noches! :)
Have a good night!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

A caballo regalado, no le mires el dentado!

¡Hola! :) Today I have a Spanish common expression for you.

"A caballo regalado, no le mires el dentado"
Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.

So when someone gives you a present, it's better to accept it without checking its quality or complaining about it. Just take it and say thanks to that friend, because it's free! :)

¡Hasta pronto! :)

Thursday, July 25, 2013

It's something! - Spanish Sayings 1

I would like to post some Spanish sayings that Spanish people often use, so you can study the ones that are more used and leave that others less used.
In this post I will show you some sayings that tell what you have is not totally bad, at least.

¡Algo es algo! - It's something.

Explanation: You could have obtained nothing from an action, but at least you obtained something, so you have to feel good for that.

- No podemos ir al cine pero por lo menos podemos ver una película en casa.
- Tienes razón, ¡algo es algo!

- We can't go to the cinema but at least we can watch a movie at home.
- You're right, it's something!

Es mejor que nada - It's better than nothing

Explanation: It refers to the fact that if you have obtained nothing from an action, it would have been clearly worse, and because of it you have to feel good for the current result.

- Somos tres personas y ahora sólo tenemos una galleta para comer.
- Bueno, es mejor que nada...

- We are three people and now we only have one cookie for eating.
- Well, it's better than nothing...

Más vale pájaro en mano, que ciento volando - One bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. (Literraly =  One bird in the hand is worth a hundred of them flying)

Explanation: It refers to the fact that is better to have something for sure than aim to have more being in risk of loosing everything.

- ¡Qué mal! Si hubiera jugado un rato más, habría ganado más dinero...
- No pienses así, más vale pájaro en mano que ciento volando.

- That's so bad! If I have played for some more time, I would have won more money...
- Don't think so, it's better

Es mejor estar sólo que mal acompañado -  Better alone than poorly accompanied. 

Explanation: It's better to stay alone than going with bad people (friends, boy/girlfriend or other people in general).

- La novia de Juan dejó a Juan por otro hombre después de seis meses de relación.
- Fuf, pobre Juan... sabes que, es mejor estar sólo que mal acompañado.

- Juan's girlfriend left Juan for another man after just six months of relationship.
- Uf, poor Juan... you know, better alone than poorly accompanied.

Más vale poco y bueno que mucho y malo. (Literally = A few and good is worth lots and bad [friends])

Explanation: It means that is always better to have a few trustful and loyal friends than a lot of friends that are not reliable and could hurt you, so they are not really good friends.

- Roberto tiene muchos amigos y yo sólo tengo dos amigos...
- Pero tus amigos son amigos íntimos, y Roberto en realidad no tiene ningún amigo íntimo. No olvides que más vale poco y bueno que mucho y malo.

- Robert has a lot of friends and I only have two friends...
- But your friends are very close friends, and actually Robert doesn't have any close friend. Don't forget that 'a few and good is worth lots and bad'.

And that's all for today! I hope you like it. Don't forget to read the note below ;)
¡Hasta pronto! :)