
Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Let's talk about wine!

As you probably know, Spain is a wine producer country. It is an important tradition that has been inherited by descendants of wine producer families. Wine is produced everywhere in the country, and we call it 'Vino'.

We have 'Vino blanco' (White wine), 'Vino tinto' (Red wine) y 'Vino rosado' (Rose Wine). We also produced our own kind of Sparkling wine, called 'Cava'. It is produced in Catalonia and it is delicious! Enjoy Spanish wine!

And if you want to learn something else about wines, check this documentary. ¡Tiene muy buena pinta! (it looks very interesting!) =)

Espero que os guste (hope you like it). ¡Hasta pronto! :)

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Spanish Guitar, Popular Songs

¡Hola! I couldn't help sharing this video with you. There are some Spanish Guitar popular songs, all of them very beautiful. I hope you like it.

¡Hasta pronto! ;)

 P.D.: Thanks to the author of the video!

Monday, August 26, 2013

¡Celebra la vida! ;)

Axel - Celebra la vida

¡Hola amigos! Today I have a beatiful song that claims you to celebrate the life :D
Let's ¡Celebra la vida!

¡Sed felices! :)
('You all be happy!')

P.D.: We also celebrate to see a click on some ad, so don't hesitate doing it :)))

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Spanish Sayings 2


¡Hola! :) Here I am, to share with you two Spanish sayings that you can use in a daily conversation.

-> ¡Se lo merecía! (because of being a nice person)
It couldn't have happened to a nicer bloke/person!

-> Ganó 150000€ en la lotería. ¡Se lo merecía! :)
He won 150000€ on the lottery. Couldn't have happened to a nicer person! 

As in English, it can be used to express just the opposite, i.e., that someone really deserves a bad thing that has happened to him/her.

-> Siempre se reía de nosotros y hoy un chico se ha reído de él y lo ha hecho llorar. ¡Se lo merecía! 
He always laugh at us and today a boy laugh at him and he started to cry. Couldn't have happened to a nicer person!

We can translate that sentence into English as 'He/she deserved it!"

-> Ser de buen corazón
-> Ser buena persona
(one's) heart's in the right place

-> Pedro siempre ayuda a sus vecinos y escucha a sus amigos cuando tienen problemas. ¡Es buena persona! / ¡Es de buen corazón!
Pedro always help his neighbours and listen to his friends when they have some problems. His heart is in the right place!

I hope you like it ;) If it is, let us know it  by clicking on an advertisement :)))

¡Buenas noches!
(Have a good night!)