
Monday, June 20, 2016

Differences in vocabulary between Spanish from Spain and Spanish from Latin America

Hi there! Today I want to show you some differences in vocabulary between the Spanish language that is spoken in Spain and the Spanish language spoken in the Spanish-speaking countries in America.

By the way, please note that when we say 'American Spanish', we are referring to the Spanish dialects of America, which means that there are differences in vocabulary between those dialects as well.

American Spanish Spanish from Spain English
gancho percha hanger
platicar charlar chat
conmutador centralita switchboard
encendedor mechero lighter
papa patata potato
computadora ordenador computer
tomar (una cosa)  coger (una cosa) * take (something)
florería floristería florist
fotocopiado copistería copy shop
estacionarse aparcarse park
mesero camarero waiter

* Be careful not to use it in America trying to say 'take a thing', because over there that verb has a completely different meaning (to have sexual relations). Although people would understand what you mean, that is the first meaning of that verb in America. Therefore, please say 'tomar' or 'agarrar' in America for 'take something'.

And if you want to see how confussing could it get (making an admirable effort =), please listen to the following song: Qué difícil es hablar en español! from Inténtelo Carito (thank you, it is a very nice song!)

¡Gracias y hasta pronto! :)

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