
Friday, March 3, 2017

Talking over the phone


Today I want to tell you about the different ways we have to answer and talking over the phone, let's see some situations!

Answering the phone:

¿Sí? (everywhere) / ¿Bueno? (America) = Yes? (Who is there?)
¿Quién es? = Who is there?
¿Hola? (Spain) / ¿Aló? (América) = Hello.

The person who calls may reply saying "Hola" or, if that person knows with who is talking after hearing his/her voice, maybe the name of the person. Ex: ¿Antonio?

Asking for someone:

¿Está (name)? = Is (name) there?
¿Podría hablar con ... (name)? = May I talk with ... (name)?
¿Se puede poner... (name)? = Can (name) take the phone and talk with me?

Leaving a message:

¿Le quiere dejar un recado? / ¿Quiere que le diga algo de su parte?
= Do you want to leave him a message?

Saying bye: There is no special way of saying bye over the phone, just:
"Gracias, adiós" or "Hasta pronto" sounds good enough.

I hope it is useful for you. ¡Hasta pronto!

Some video examples below:

Phone conversation (American Spanish). The pronunciation is a bit exaggerated, a short 2-min video, but the good side is that it could be a typical conversation, and it is easy to understand.

Phone conversation (Spanish from Spain). This conversation is done at a normal pace. It is a 5-min short film. Actually, it might be hard to understand the whole conversation. But still, you can learn about the situations that we checked out in this post.

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